Symplectic connections, noncommutative Yang-Mills theory and supermembranes

Martin, I; Restuccia, A


In built noncommutativity of supermembranes with central charges in eleven dimensions is disclosed. This result is used to construct an action for a noncommutative supermembrane where interesting topological terms appear. In order to do so, we first set up a global formulation for noncommutative Yang-Mills theory over general symplectic manifolds. We make the above constructions following a pure geometrical procedure using the concept of connections over Weyl algebra bundles on symplectic manifolds. The relation between noncommutative and ordinary supermembrane actions is discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:000173640800010 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B
Volumen: 622
Número: 1-2
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Página de inicio: 240
Página final: 256


Notas: ISI