OPTO-BLUE: An Integrated Bidirectional Optogenetic Lentiviral Platform for Controlled Light-Induced Gene Expression

Arancibia, Duxan; Pol, Iracy; Vargas-Fernández, Martín; Zárate, Rafaella Victoria; Signorelli, Janetti; Zamorano, Pedro

Keywords: lentivirus, Bidirectional, optogenetic, GAVPO, gene-regulated expression


Regulated systems for transgene expression are useful tools in basic research and a promising platform in biomedicine due to their regulated transgene expression by an inducer. The emergence of optogenetics expression systems enabled the construction of light-switchable systems, enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of a transgene. The LightOn system is an optogenetic tool that regulates the expression of a gene of interest using blue light as an inducer. This system is based on a photosensitive protein (GAVPO), which dimerizes and binds to the UASG sequence in response to blue light, triggering the expression of a downstream transgene. Previously, we adapted the LightOn system to a dual lentiviral vector system for neurons. Here, we continue the optimization and assemble all components of the LightOn system into a single lentiviral plasmid, the OPTO-BLUE system. For functional validation, we used enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as an expression reporter (OPTO-BLUE-EGFP) and evaluated the efficiency of EGFP expression by transfection and transduction in HEK293-T cells exposed to continuous blue-light illumination. Altogether, these results prove that the optimized OPTO-BLUE system allows the light-controlled expression of a reporter protein according to a specific time and light intensity. Likewise, this system should provide an important molecular tool to modulate gene expression of any protein by blue light.

Más información

Volumen: 21
Número: 11
Editorial: MDPI Open Access Publishing
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 9537
Página final: 9547
Idioma: english
Financiamiento/Sponsor: NA
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/11/9537


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