Factors associated with post-stroke oropharingeal dysphagia

Pena-Chavez, Rodolfo; Lopez-Espinoza, Miguel; Guzman-Inostroza, Madelein; Jara-Parra, Mirna; Salgado-Ferrada, Claudia; Sepulveda-Arriagada, Constanza; Zapata-Sepulveda, Priscila


Introduction. Neurogenic dysphagia is a consequence of stroke that sometimes threatens the patient's life. The magnitude of the brain damage commonly generated by stroke generates the emergence of other disorders that accompany dysphagia and worsen the patient's health. Aim. To analyze possible associations between communication disorders, disease factors, demographic factors and comorbidities with post-stroke dysphagia in years 2009 to 2011. Patients and methods. We studied 1519 medical records of patients that suffered stroke between 2009 and 2011. Results. From medical records reviewed, 206 had dysphagia (13.6%). 80,1% from dysphagic patients had between 60 to 89 years old. 66% from them stayed hospitalized for more than 11 days. Age (odds ratio = 2.36; p 0.001), aphasia (odds ratio = 4.47; p 0.001), dysarthria (odds ratio = 4.95; p 0.001), time of hospitalization (odds ratio = 3.65; p 0.001) and hypertension (odds ratio = 1.64; p = 0.023) were statistically associated with dysphagia. Finally, 73,3% from dysphagic patients they had dysphagia with aphasia or dysarthria or apraxia of speech, however, 26,7% only had dysphagia. Conclusion. Neurogenic dysphagia seems to be associated with communication disorders, increase the time of hospitalization and associated with a hypertension. However, prospective studies consider a great time to confirm these findings are required.

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Título según WOS: Factors associated with post-stroke oropharingeal dysphagia
Título de la Revista: REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA
Volumen: 61
Número: 7
Editorial: Viguera Editores
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Página de inicio: 295
Página final: 300


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