Visual analogies. Representation of the design process and its application in the field of education

Bravo, Úrsula


In recent years, design thinking has been understood and spread as a method of creative problem solving, available for professionals of other disciplines, with the purpose of encouraging creative thinking, the identification of problems and the development of solutions. In this context, graphic representations of the design process are a recurrent visual tool because they explain, in a didactic way, its fundamental steps, the types of thinking involved and the feedback loops that take place. Given the diversity of authors, their careers and disciplinary linkages, the representations are varied, both in the formal structure and in the number, name and level of specificity of the different stages. What are the characteristics of these visual representations? What elements of the design process are maintained and which adapted? What elements inherent to the field of education are incorporated?

Más información

Título de la Revista: Base Diseño e Innovación
Volumen: 3
Número: 2
Editorial: Facultad de Diseño, Universidad del Desarrollo
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página de inicio: 42
Página final: 50
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Universidad del Desarrollo