Is it possible to argue multimodally in discursive genres produced by college students?: Encounters and differences between students and teachers É possível argumentar multimodalmente em géneros discursivos produzidos por estudantes universitários?: Encontros e divergênciastre estudantes e professores ¿Es posible argumentar multimodalmente en géneros discursivos producidos por estudiantes universitarios?: Encuentros y divergencias entre estudiantes y profesores

Vasquez-Rocca, Liliana


This article focuses on university writing practices with a multimodal approach. (KRESS, 2010; ARCHER; BREUER, 2016) In Latin America, inquiries in multimodal writing have had scarce attention, as a logocentric view predominates in the studies. (KRESS, 2010; PARODI, 2010) Therefore, we propose to broaden the gaze when approaching university writing in two senses: On the one hand, involving the students’ voice (LEA; STREET, 1998; ROMERO; ALVAREZ, 2019), on the other hand, taking the inquiries beyond the verbal mode. (BEZEMER; KRESS, 2008; VÁSQUEZ-ROCCA; VARAS, 2019) Thus, the social representations of students and teachers in relation to multimodal productions were contrasted. The results indicate that both groups recognize the importance of semiotic resources, however, their teaching is still incipient.

Más información

Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85122966223 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada
Volumen: 21
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 813
Página final: 841
