Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Pre-Hatching Bovine Embryos Produced In Vitro and In Vivo Alter the Expression of IFNtau-Stimulated Genes in Bovine Endometrial Cells

Aguilera, Constanza; Estela Velasquez, Alejandra; Angel Gutierrez-Reinoso, Miguel; Wong, Yat Sen; Melo-Baez, Barbara; Cabezas, Joel; Caamano, Diego; Navarrete, Felipe; Rojas, Daniela; Riadi, Gonzalo; Castro, Fidel Ovidio; Rodriguez-Alvarez, Llretny


The embryo-maternal interaction occurs during the early stages of embryo development and is essential for the implantation and full-term development of the embryo. In bovines, the secretion of interferon Tau (IFNT) during elongation is the main signal for pregnancy recognition, but its expression starts around the blastocyst stage. Embryos release extracellular vesicles (EVs) as an alternative mechanism of embryo-maternal communication. The aim of the study was to determine whether EVs secreted by bovine embryos during blastulation (D5-D7) could induce transcriptomic modifications, activating IFNT signaling in endometrial cells. Additionally, it aims to assess whether the EVs secreted by embryos produced in vivo (EVs-IVV) or in vitro (EVs-IVP) have different effects on the transcriptomic profiles of the endometrial cells. In vitro- and in vivo-produced bovine morulae were selected and individually cultured for 48 h to collect embryonic EVs (E-EVs) secreted during blastulation. E-EVs stained with PKH67 were added to in vitro-cultured bovine endometrial cells to assess EV internalization. The effect of EVs on the transcriptomic profile of endometrial cells was determined by RNA sequencing. EVs from both types of embryos induced several classical and non-classical IFNT-stimulated genes (ISGs) and other pathways related to endometrial function in epithelial endometrial cells. Higher numbers of differentially expressed genes (3552) were induced by EVs released by IVP embryos compared to EVs from IVV (1838). Gene ontology analysis showed that EVs-IVP/IVV induced the upregulation of the extracellular exosome pathway, the cellular response to stimulus, and the protein modification processes. This work provides evidence regarding the effect of embryo origin (in vivo or in vitro) on the early embryo-maternal interaction mediated by extracellular vesicles.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000979136800001 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 24
Número: 8
Editorial: MDPI Open Access Publishing
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI