Micropolitics of movement: methodological contributions from critical qualitative research Micropolítiques del moviment: aportacions metodològiques des de la investigació qualitativa crítica Micropolíticas del movimiento: aportes metodológicos desde la investigación cualitativa crítica

Ropert Lackington, M. Teresa; Lackington, M. Teresa Ropert; Pinto de Carvalho, Lais; de Carvalho, Laís Pinto; Pellicer Cardona, Isabel; Cardona, Isabel Pellicer


There is not much development of the theoretical, methodological, and empirical implications of adopting a feminist stance in social and urban research. In this text, three qualitative researchers venture to the challenge posed by the reflective exercise of putting in the foreground and in the first person their onto-epistemological positions in the methodological design of social research, especially when they are applied in uneven urban contexts. Based on their own experiences producing qualitative data in motion in the cities of Chaitén, Santiago and Barcelona, key guidelines are offered to make qualitative research a way of building conscious knowledge of the logics of power, thus avoiding the risk of calling it a critical discipline only as a way of renaming it, devoid of its ethical, political and practical implication.

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Título de la Revista: Anuario de Psicologia
Volumen: 52
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página de inicio: 26
Página final: 35
