Asociación entre la amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria y los parámetros de laboratorio en cáncer de vesícula biliar

Huilipang, Roberto; Araneda, Roberto

Keywords: Gallbladder cancer, red cell distribution width, biomarkers, survival.


Introduction: Red cell distribution width is a parameter frequently increased in chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, and different human cancers. However, the relationship between RDW and gallbladder cancer (GBC) has been poorly documented. Objective: To evaluate the association between RDW with different laboratory parameters (biomarkers) and evaluate the survival curve in patients with GBC. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study with univariate and multivariate analyses. The cases were divided into two large groups according to RDW values, previously defined cutoff value; RDW ≤ 14.5% (n = 20) and RDW >14.5% (n= 15), to evaluate the association with laboratory parameters and clinicopathologic variables. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate survival as a function of time. Results: The higher the stage of GBC patients, the greater the tendency to have higher RDW values (stage IV 14.86 ± 1.184 vs III 13.41 ± 2.189 vs II 12.80 ± 2.393; p=NS). No significant correlation was found between RDW values and clinicopathological data. A significant association was observed between an RDW value >14.5% and higher serum concentration of creatinine (p=0.01) and sodium (p=0.0069). The univariate analysis showed that those patients who had a high level of total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and chlorine presented a lower GBC survival (p<0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that RDW was not an independent prognostic factor for GBC (p=0.079), as were direct bilirubin (p=0.013) and alkaline phosphatase in our cohort (p=0.012). Conclusion: There was no a significant correlation between the RDW level and the prognosis of patients with advanced GBC. Bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase proved to be predictive biomarkers of this disease

Más información

Título de la Revista: SALUS
Volumen: 28(1)
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Página de inicio: 17
Página final: 23
Idioma: Inglés