Using Pheromone Trail Algorithm to Model Analog Memory

Pham, Trung T.; Castillo, Ramón D.; Yuan, Xiaojing; Kloos, Heidi

Keywords: analog memory, cognitive science, pheromone trail, quantum computing


This chapter proposes the use of pheromone trail algorithm to model how the human mind registers data into the memory in the brain. In this approach, each time data is registered, a representation in the memory is marked with an additive quantity of pheromone to represent the reinforcement in the memory. When a new data is registered, the pheromone of the previously registered data is evaporated to represent the fading in the memory. While this work is intended to support the modeling of human memory where data are stacked up on each other, this model is extended with the algorithms to register and recall data embedded in an overlaid manner to represent the analog memory of a theoretical quantum computer. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the concept and to demonstrate the workability of the algorithms.

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Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85180730610 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Volumen: Part F1986
Editorial: Springer
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 33
Página final: 52
Idioma: Inglés
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas, Universidad de Talca


Notas: SCOPUS - WoS, Scopus