Nanomaterials under Corrosive Conditions

Pineda, Fabiola

Keywords: polypyrrole, corrosion resistance, Dielectric Spectroscopy


Corrosion is an irreversible interfacial reaction of a material with the environment, which provokes its gradual or total dissolution. This phenomenon has caused serious concerns at the economic level, with an annual cost equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP (2013), resulting in a decline in the service life of different structures. The variety of conditions and forms in which corrosion can be developed is immense, from domestic to extreme circumstances. Infrastructures such as thermal energy storage systems of concentrated solar power plants, mining, and desalination plants, in which the metallic components are exposed to severe conditions, are particularly prone to corrosion due to extreme conditions like high temperature, highly corrosive environment, and extremophile microorganisms. In this regard, nanotechnology can provide new insight into the study of the process through nanosensors that have been reported as efficient devices to monitor the onset of corrosion. Nanomaterials have also been reported to enhance both corrosion and mechanical resistance. Besides, nanoinhibitors and nanocoatings improve adhesion and resistance to corrosion.

Más información

Editorial: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 78
Página final: 93
Idioma: Inglés