Vicuna hunting in a refuge in the Highlands of the Southern Puna of Chile (26° s)

Lopez Mendoza, Patricio; Carrasco Gonzalez, Carlos; Loyola Munoz, Rodrigo; Santana-Sagredo, Francisca; Flores-Aqueveque, Valentina; Maldonado Castro, Antonio; Diaz-Jarufe, Pablo


Results of the zooarchaeological analysis of the Pedernales-1 site are presented. The site is located at 3.379 m.a.s.l. in the Pedernales salt flat (Atacama Region, Chile), dated in 2,964-3,206 cal. years BP for the earliest component and 539-634 cal. years. BP for the later component. The faunistic record is mainly composed by remains of vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) complemented with scarce remains of Lama sp., rodents, birds, and carnivores. In accordance with a series of expectations for high altitude sites, the record is typical of residential bases occupied during the summer, although they are also associated with a type of landscape configured for vicuna hunting, making the models of hunting, processing, consumption, and prey discarding more complex based on a series of scenarios discussed in this and others works.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000990723500005 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: ARCHAEOFAUNA
Volumen: 30
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 55
Página final: 73


Notas: ISI