Peripheral commemorations in segregated neighborhoods in Santiago, Chile: Sociopolitical effects on the construction of community

Olivari Vargas, Alicia; Vargas, Alicia Olivari; Badilla Rajevic, Manuela; Reyes Andreani, Maria J.


This article analyzes the social and political effects of memory production in building community and strenghtegning identity in peripheral and segregated neighborhoods of Santiago. From a qualitative study that considers the analysis of 55 interviews with young people that live in some of these territories and participant observation of commemorative activities of the coup d'etat carried out on September 11, we examine different repertoires to commemorate Chile's recent past through which these young people interact and produce the space. On the one hand, these repertoires of remembering generate spaces for participation, strengthening the sense of territorial belonging, and on the other, trigger conflicts towards the interior and exterior of these neighborhoods that can reproduce experiences of segregation. The article concludes by illustrating the complexity of the construction of communities in these historically segregated territories.

Más información

Título según WOS: Peripheral commemorations in segregated neighborhoods in Santiago, Chile: Sociopolitical effects on the construction of community
Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85105096228 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Bitacora Urbano Territorial
Volumen: 31
Editorial: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 211
Página final: 222
