Distributed Leadership in schools: changes in the perception of educational practices Liderança Compartilhada nas escolas: mudanças na percepção das práticas educacionais Liderazgo Distribuido en Centros Escolares: cambios en la percepción de prácticas educacionales

Figueroa, Luis Ahumada; AHUMADA-FIGUEROA, LUIS ANDRES; Ascencio-Garrido, Carlos; Bandeira-Andriola, Wagner


Distributed for improvement. A leadership practice development program was implemented in twenty Chilean schools. The perception of frequency of changes was investigated through the pre and post application of a multifactorial questionnaire of DL. The results highlight that three out of four centers perceive changes in their leadership practices. Primary schools show a higher frequency of changes in relation to secondary institutions. It is possible to conclude that both internal and external organizational factors favor the implementation of DL, since there is a high conviction that developing shared leadership favors learning results in students.

Más información

Título según SCOPUS: ID SCOPUS_ID:85174000604 Not found in local SCOPUS DB
Título de la Revista: Ensaio
Volumen: 31
Editorial: Fundacao Cesgranrio
Fecha de publicación: 2023
