optimization of QoS Parameters in Software-Defined Networks

Viveros, Andres; Kaschel, Hector; Adasme, Pablo


The ever-increasing needs and heterogeneity of end users in 5G and beyond networks are a real challenge for service operators. As an enabling architecture to achieve these ends, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) separates the data plane from the control plane providing greater flexibility when managing the network. But with the implementation of this architecture, new challenges arise, such as being able to guarantee the service experience, having accepted levels of latency, an alternative to address this problem is to be able to manage multiple controllers in SDN, resulting in the development of the Problem of Controller Placement (CPP) is one of the problems most often addressed in reviewed SDN works, seeking to improve latency and network performance, also influencing the scalability of the network But since the possibility of having several controllers increases the possibility that they may fail and affect the reliability of the network, which constitute new problems, in addition to energy efficiency management. In this paper a review of the problems related to the implementation of Software Defined Networks is carried out, looking for the mathematical approach to each problem, as well as the solutions found.

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Fecha de publicación: 2022
