Seguimiento del perfil salino del acuífero El Culebrón en tiempo real

Keywords: hidrogeología, acuífero, perfil salino


This study focuses on the hydrogeophysical characterization of water from existing wells in El Sauce I, El Culebrón aquifer, for the localization of the different salinity shape. A method based on electrical resistivity was used to obtain profile electrical in order to identify and delimit the shapes of the lithology boundaries by resistivity contrasts. The results show a significant conductivity, high concentration of chlorides and high degree of salinization in different shape by stratigraphy. The salinity of the aquifer El Culebrón are linked to natural factors such as: geological structure, climate, natural drainage patterns, topography, human activity and the indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater resources. The distribution of salinity in the aquifer El Culebrón, and the relative contribution of natural and anthropic sources is not yet well known. The sample was tested for pH, electrical conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorides, sulphates and bicarbonates determinate of type of water. This due to the fact the waters flow over an extensive area of sedimentary deposits, where they are subject to the effects of a variety of geological formations, including tertiary and quaternary deposits due to glacio-eustatism.

Más información

Editorial: ISSN 0717-4829
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 1
Página final: 240
Idioma: Español
Financiamiento/Sponsor: INIA Intihuasi