New Cascaded 1+PII2D/FOPID Load Frequency Controller for Modern Power Grids including Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage and Renewable Energy

El-Sousy, Fayez F. M.; Aly, Mokhtar; Alqahtani, Mohammed H.; Aljumah, Ali S.; Almutairi, Sulaiman Z.; Mohamed, Emad A.


Having continuous decrease in inertia and being sensitive to load/generation variation are considered crucial challenging problems for modern power grids. The main cause of these problems is the increased penetration capacities of renewables. An unbalanced load with generation power largely affects grids' frequency and voltage profiles. Load frequency control (LFC) mechanisms are extensively presented to solve these problems. In the literature, LFC methods are still lacking in dealing with system uncertainty, parameter variation, structure changes, and/or disturbance rejection. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved LFC methodology using the hybrid one plus proportional integral double-integral derivative (1+PII2D) cascaded with fractional order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID), namely, the proposed 1+PII2D/FOPID controller. The contribution of superconducting magnetic energy storage devices (SMES) is considered in the proposed design, also considering hybrid high-voltage DC and AC transmission lines (hybrid HVDC/HVAC). An optimized design of proposed 1+PII2D/FOPID controller is proposed using a new application of the recently presented powerful artificial rabbits optimizers (ARO) algorithm. Various performance comparisons, system changes, parameter uncertainties, and load/generation profiles and changes are considered in the proposed case study. The results proved superior regulation of frequency using proposed 1+PII2D/FOPID control and the ARO optimum parameters.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:001081825700001 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: FRACTAL AND FRACTIONAL
Volumen: 7
Número: 9
Editorial: MDPI
Fecha de publicación: 2023


Notas: ISI