Uncovering bound states in the continuum in InSb nanowire networks

Martinez, D.; Orellana, P. A.; Rosales, L.; Dolado, J.; Amado, M.; Diez, E.; Dominguez-Adame, F.; Lima, R. P. A.


Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are exotic, localized states even though their energy lies in the continuum spectra. Since its discovery in 1929, the quest to unveil these exotic states in charge transport experiments remains an active pursuit in condensed matter physics. Here, we study charge transport in InSb nanowire networks in the ballistic regime and subject to a perpendicular magnetic field as ideal candidates to observe and control the appearance of BICs. We find that BICs reveal themselves as distinctive resonances or antiresonances in the conductance by varying the applied magnetic field and the Fermi energy. We systematically consider different lead connections in hashtag-like nanowire networks, finding the optimal configuration that enhances the features associated with the emergence of BICs. Finally, the investigation focuses on the effect of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction of InSb on the occurrence of BICs in nanowire networks. While the interaction generally plays a detrimental role in the signatures of the BICs in the conductance of the nanowire networks, it opens the possibility to operate these nanostructures as spin filters for spintronics. We believe that this work could pave the way for the unambiguous observation of BICs in charge transport experiments and for the development of advanced spintronic devices.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:001358608600001 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 166
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2025


Notas: ISI