First Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Neutron with Detection of the Active Neutron

Cuic, M.; Kumericki, K.; Glazier, D.; Maynes, M.; Camacho, C. Munoz; Rafael, S. Polcher; Scott, Marshall B. C.; Tommaso, V.; CLAS Collaboration


Measuring deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) on the neutron is one of the necessary steps to understand the structure of the nucleon in terms of generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Neutron targets play a complementary role to transversely polarized proton targets in the determination of the GPD E. This poorly known and poorly constrained GPD is essential to obtain the contribution of the quarks' angular momentum to the spin of the nucleon. DVCS on the neutron was measured for the first time selecting the exclusive final state by detecting the neutron, using the Jefferson Lab longitudinally polarized electron beam, with energies up to 10.6 GeV, and the CLAS12 detector. The extracted beam-spin asymmetries, combined with DVCS observables measured on the proton, allow a clean quark-flavor separation of the imaginary parts of the Compton form factors H and E.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:001382592200001 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 133
Número: 21
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2024


Notas: ISI