The Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities
Jackson, RJ; Jeffries, RD; Lewis, J; Koposov, SE; Sacco, GG; Randich, S; Gilmore, G; Asplund, M; Binney, J; Bonifacio, P; Drew, JE; Feltzing, S; Ferguson, AMN; Micela, G; Neguerela, I; Prusti, T; Rix, HW; Vallenari, A; Alfaro, EJ; Prieto, CA; Babusiaux, C; Bensby, T; Blomme, R; Bragaglia, A; Flaccomio, E; Francois, P; Hambly, N; Irwin, M; Korn, AJ; Lanzafame, AC; Pancino, E; Recio-Blanco, A; Smiljanic, R; Van Eck, S; Walton, N; Bayo, A; Bergemann, M; Carraro, G; Costado, MT; Damiani, F; Edvardsson, B; Franciosini, E; Frasca, A; Heiter, U; Hill, V; Hourihane, A; Jofre, P; Lardo, C; de Laverny, P; Lind, K; Magrini, L; Marconi, G; Martayan, C; Masseron, T; Monaco, L; Morbidelli, L; Prisinzano, L; Sbordone, L; Sousa, SG; Worley, CC; Zaggia, S