American heart journal
Rationale and design of ACTIVE: the atrial fibrillation clopidogrel trial with irbesartan for prevention of vascular events.
Connolly, S; Yusuf, S; Budaj, A; Camm, J; Chrolavicius, S; Commerford, P J; Flather, M; Fox, K A A; Hart, R; Hohnloser, S; Joyner, C; Pfeffer, M; Anand, I; Arthur, H; Avezum, A; Bethala-Sithya, M; Blumenthal, M; Ceremuzynski, L; De Caterina, R; Diaz, R; Flaker, G; Frangin, G; Franzosi, M-G; Gaudin, C; Golitsyn, S; Goldhaber, S; Granger, C; Halon, D; Hermosillo, A; Hunt, D; Jansky, P; Karatzas, N; Keltai, M; Lanas, F; Lau, C P; Le Heuzey, J-Y; Lewis, B S; Morais, J; Morillo, C; Oto, A; Paolasso, E; Peters, R J; Pfisterer, M; Piegas, L; Pipillis, T; Proste, C; Sitkei, E; Swedberg, K; Synhorst, D; Talajic, M; Trégou, V; Valentin, V; van Mieghem, W; Weintraub, W; Varigos, J