Somatometric and reproductive relationships of squid Loligo gahi Orbigny, 1835 at Concepción bay, Chile Relaciones somatométricas y reproductivas del calamar Loligo gahi Orbigny, 1835 en bahía Concepción, Chile

Ibáñez C.M.; Chong J.

Keywords: cephalopoda, Loligo, gahi


The objective of this study is to investigate to possible biological relationship among the reproductive process and the energy consumption from the digestive gland. 52 samples of the squid Loligo gahi were collected in bahía Concepción, between December of 2003 to February of 2004. For each sample mantle length were measured, and total weight, gonads and digestive gland were weighed, It were examined and determined the maturity stage of the gonads. Subsequently, it make calculations of the gonadosomatic and digestive gland index for each sample, later, to carry out correlations among both and with male individual's total weight and female separately. The male and females squids were not different in the proportion of individuals of different mantle length and maturity stage. In both sexes IGS increased in relation to maturity stage, but not IGD. The only significant correlation was in the males among the gonadosomático index with its total weight. The lack of correlations suggests that the digestive gland, would not have any important participation as storage organ and therefore in the energy consumption during the process of reproductive development. Apparently L. gahi can increases its feeding rate to replace the energy demand and of nutrients that it implies the gonadic development.

Más información

Volumen: 33
Número: 2
Editorial: Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Página de inicio: 211
Página final: 215