Fortalecimiento de competencias matemáticas tempranas en preescolares, un estudio chileno.

cerda gamal; Pérez, Carlos; Ortega, Rosario; Lleujo, M; Sanhueza, L.

Keywords: gender, intervention program, preschool education, early mathematics


The article describes the positive effect in an intervention program based on number comprehension in early math skill levels that Chilean preschoolers present in the relational and numerical skill areas evaluated with the Test of Early Mathematics Assessment Utrecht (TEMT-U), the Spanish version of the Utrecht Early Numeracy Test. The study reveals that there are significant differences in the early math skills levels among those groups subjected to this type of program and those that in the same period of time were only influenced by the content and activities of the traditional curriculum sequence in the Chilean school population. There are positive effects in the program regardless of the educational level that children attend. There are also relational or skills Piagetian that show higher achievement levels. The results prove that there are no differences in mathematical literacy levels between boys and girls, contrary to what is observed in later years.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Psychology, Society & Education (PSYE)
Volumen: 3
Número: 1
Editorial: Asociación para el Avance de la Psicología y la Educación (AAPE)
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Página de inicio: 23
Página final: 39
Idioma: Spanish
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Fondef D06I1069