Allocation of children's time along gender lines: Work, school, and domestic work in Brazil

Kruger, Diana I.; Berthelon, Matias E.; Soares, Rodrigo R.; Randall K.Q. Akee; Eric V. Edmonds; Konstantinos Tatsiramos


We develop a model that characterizes all possible allocations of children's time between work and school, analyzing the relationship between market work, household chores, and Brazilian children's school enrollment. If pure market work is analyzed, we find that girls are less likely to work and more likely to exclusively attend relative to boys with similar characteristics. If the definition of work includes household chores, girls are less likely to be exclusively in school and more likely to work compared to boys. The results reveal that girls disproportionately carry out domestic responsibilities, which could hinder their school achievements. Furthermore, family structures with fewer preschool-aged siblings and with more adults present alleviate the pressure to displace girls’ time away from school and toward domestic activities.

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Fecha de publicación: 2010
Página de inicio: 161
Página final: 192
Idioma: English