Periodically driven quantum ratchets: Symmetries and resonances

Morales-Molina, L


We study the quantum version of a tilting and flashing Hamiltonian ratchet, consisting of a periodic potential and a time-periodic driving field. The system dynamics is governed by a Floquet evolution matrix bearing the symmetry of the corresponding Hamiltonian. The dc-current appears due to the desymmetrization of Floquet eigenstates, which become transporting when all the relevant symmetries are violated. Those eigenstates that mostly contribute to a directed transport reside in phase space regions corresponding to classical resonances. Quantum dynamics leads to the dependence of the average velocity on the initial phase of the ac-field. A resonant enhancement

Más información

Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Volumen: 75
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Página de inicio: 063424-1
Página final: 063424-10
Notas: ISI