Precision measurements of g(1) of the proton and of the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons

Prok, Y.; Bosted, P.; Kvaltine, N.; Adhikari, K. P.; Adikaram D.; Aghasyan, M.; Amaryan, M. J.; Anderson, M. D.; Anefalos Pereira, S.; Avakian H.; Baghdasaryan, H; Ball, J.; Battaglieri, M.; Biselli, A. S.; Bono, J; et. al.


The inclusive polarized structure functions of the proton and deuteron, g(1)(p) and g(1)(d) , were measured with high statistical precision using polarized 6 GeV electrons incident on a polarized ammonia target in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory. Electrons scattered at laboratory angles between 18 and 45 degrees were detected using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). For the usual deep inelastic region kinematics, Q(2) > 1 GeV2 and the final-state invariant mass W > 2 GeV, the ratio of polarized to unpolarized structure functions g(1)/F-1 is found to be nearly independent of Q(2) at fixed x. Significant resonant structure is apparent at values of W up to 2.3 GeV. In the framework of perturbative quantum chromodynamics, the high-W results can be used to better constrain the polarization of quarks and gluons in the nucleon, as well as high-twist contributions.

Más información

Título según WOS: Precision measurements of g(1) of the proton and of the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Volumen: 90
Número: 2
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Idioma: English


Notas: ISI