Normal coverings of hyperelliptic real Riemann surfaces

Cirre, FJ; Hidalgo, RA


A real Riemann surface is a pair (R, tau), where R is a compact Riemann surface and tau : R -> R is an anticonformal involution, called a real structure of R. If R is hyperelliptic then we say that (R, tau) is a hyperelliptic real Riemann surface. In this paper we describe in terms of algebraic equations all normal (possibly branched) coverings pi: (R, tau) (5, eta) between hyperelliptic real Riemann surfaces. This extends results due to Bujalance-Cirre-Gamboa, where either the number of ovals fixed by the real structure tau is maximal, or the degree of the covering is two. In this paper we consider any real structure tau and any degree of the covering.

Más información

Título según WOS: Normal coverings of hyperelliptic real Riemann surfaces
Título de la Revista: DYNAMICS AND NUMBERS
Volumen: 629
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 59
Página final: 75
Idioma: English


Notas: ISI