Spectral analysis of polynomial potentials and its relation with ABJ/M-type theories

del Moral, MPG; Martin I.; Navarro, L; Perez, AJ; Restuccia, A

Keywords: p-branes, Polynomial potentials, Discrete spectrum, Multiple M2 branes, BLG theories, ABJM theories


We obtain a general class of polynomial potentials for which the Schrodinger operator has a discrete spectrum This class includes all the scalar potentials in membrane. 5-brane, p-branes, multiple M2 branes, BLG and ABJM theories We provide a proof of the discreteness of the spectrum of the associated Schrodinger operators. This is the first step in order to analyze BLG and ABJM supersymmetric theories from a non-perturbative point of view. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved

Más información

Título según WOS: Spectral analysis of polynomial potentials and its relation with ABJ/M-type theories
Título de la Revista: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B
Volumen: 839
Número: 1-2
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Página de inicio: 112
Página final: 128
Idioma: English


Notas: ISI