Cross-cultural systemic therapy training and consultation: A postcolonial view

Bacigalupe, Gonzalo


Cross-cultural educational and consultation interactions can be framed as gentle forms of colonialism in which knowledge is the principal commodity. The author examines his past experiences and observations as a family therapy trainee in South America. As a family therapy educator and consultant, the author is confronted today by similar exchanges when consulting or teaching abroad. From the later perspective, the reader is invited to explore a set of questions that foster reflexive practices believing that they may elicit further analysis. In a postcolonial mode, this critique does not presume having privileged access to "the truth." However, the author is committed to an ethical mandate that includes a collaborative and participatory posture in the encounters with those that practitioners construct as the other.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Journal of Systemic Therapies
Volumen: 17
Número: 1
Editorial: Guilford
Fecha de publicación: 1998
Página de inicio: 31
Página final: 44
Idioma: English
