Tipologías de Personalidad Eficaz en Estudiantes Universitarios.

Bernal, Francisca

Keywords: university students, Effective personality, competences.


Previous adaptation of the questionnaire of effective personality in Chilean University contexts with all the requirements in relation to its reliability, validity and normalization, a personal competences synthetic chart to be developed in Chilean University contexts against other more extensive proposals is presented as an empirically based alternative (as a result of the factor and confirmatory analyses obtained). These competences are proposed as necessary to continue developing in University contexts and as a response to the employers’ demands and of the Chilean educational reform based on the competency-based curriculum development. These competences are concentrated around four categories: Strengths of the self (Self-esteem), Demands of the self (academic Self-realization), Challenges of the self (Problem-solving effectiveness) and Relations of the self (social Self-realization). Four profiles of Chilean University students are described according to the concentration or dispersion of those skills. The University sample that concentrates the highest number of cases is the effectiveness profile that concentrates levels above the average in the four categories, followed by the social ineffectiveness profile, inhibited effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Differences of profiles are presented depending on the gender variable, being the Chilean University women more advantageous in academic self-realization and inferior in self-esteem and problem-solving effectiveness. Comparing this to the Spanish University sample, similar profiles or types are presented. Also, we can observe the same significant differences depending on the gender variable. Nevertheless, Chilean University men significantly surpass the Spaniard in academic self-realization, self-esteem and problem-solving effectiveness.

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Editorial: Editorial Publicia
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página final: 225
Idioma: Español