Improving testing of copper ore flotation in seawater through novel flotation cell.

Jeldres, Ricardo I.; Cortes, Lorena.; Cisternas, Luis A.


Flotation of Cu-Mo sulfide ores in seawater faces important challenges as getting selective recovery of molybdenite with high pyrite depression and decreasing quantity of lime supplied for pH modification. Also a key aspect for research is that laboratory tests aimed at solving these problems present a reliable reproducibility and good approach to industrial plants. In this work, rougher flotation of Cu-Mo sulfide ores in seawater was analyzed in two different cells: a) commercial cell and b) modified Denver cell developed by Csiro. Tests were performed at natural pH of suspension avoiding excessive lime consumption and an organic reagent was employed to promote pyrite depression. Results indicate that modified Denver cell got significant improvements in reproducibility of kinetic flotation, recovery, and concentrate grade. This is due to technological improvements such as the impeller driving from bellow without stator allowing the whole surface of the froth to be scraped with a paddle at constant depth and rate. High Cu and Mo recovery was reached but the organic pyrite depressant did not improve the quality of concentrated and higher dose should be applied.

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Fecha de publicación: 2015