Neuromorphic Inspired Science to Maximize Big Data Dynamic Problem Solving for Future lntelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations

Altbir, Dora; Gonzalez, Danilo


The proposed Neuromorphic Inspired Science investigation for Big Data is the start of a revolutionary edge in AF Technology Focus Areas: Command & Control, Communications, Cyber/Computers (C4), Electronic Warfare / Electronic Protection (EW/EP), and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). Von Neumann computational architectures and CMOS fabrication methods are reaching theoretical performance limits and holding back the realization of revolutionary Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operation opportunities. Bio- nano systems that exploit brain performance offer a wider horizon of ISR performance. Key technical challenges include understanding differences between brain and computer speed, size, reliability, fan-out/in, dimensions, energy, temperature, noise effect, and criticality. Proposed is a program on neuromorphic inspired science to maximize big data dynamic problem solving. The proposed program is distinct from U.S. and international programs through application of: i.) Bio-nano based “bio-ware” vs. use of CMOS systems to mimic brain functions, ii.) Elements operating as brain functions including incorporation of behavior and intelligence enhancing research elements, and iii.) Structuring the system to optimally solve large potentially terabyte- data sets. Specific science focus areas proposed are: Neuromorphic Brain Science - Reliability, Storage, and Data Processing, Magnetic Structures as an Approach to Neuromorphic Computation, Development of Novel Functional Nanomaterials with Potential Application in Neuromorphic Computing, Science Investigation of Neuromorphic Brain Science: Reliability, Storage, and Data Processing, Study of the Self-Assembly Process at the Bio-Nano Iinterface and its Potential Application for Neuromorphic Inspired Science, Uncovering a Novel Stress Pathway to Improve Brain Function and Neuronal Plasticity, Science Investigation of Molecular Basis of Excitability and Neuronal Homeostasis; Sodium Channel Purification, Reconstitution and Structure from Humboldt Squid Retinal Nerve Modeling.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 2016
Año de Inicio/Término: 2016-2017
Financiamiento/Sponsor: AFOSR

FA9550- 16-1-0384