Hamiltonian dynamics and differential inclusions

Daniilidis, A.; Hantoute, A.


We plan to work on several research problems which are connected with properties of solutions to differential inclusions and Hamiltonian dynamics. Although the problems we are interested in are related to each other and belong to the broad area of Variational Analysis, Optimization and Dynamical systems, they can be naturally regrouped into three main topics: 1. Self-contracted curves and convex integration 2. Hamiltonian Dynamics and Optimization 3. Stability of differential inclusions The research team is the following: Senior researchers (Chile): A. Daniilidis (CMM), A. Hantoute (CMM). Senior researchers (France): S. Adly (Limoges), R. Deville (Bordeaux), A. Jourani (Bourgogne), L. Niederman (Orsay), L. Rifford (Nice). Post-docs (Chile): T. Zakaryan and L. Ba Khiet (Postdoc, CMM) Students (Chile): E. Vilches, B. Tran (Ph.D students at CMM), R. Bobadilla (Master student, Univ. Chile)

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 0
Año de Inicio/Término: May 2016 - October 2018
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CONICYT-REDES

CONICYT-REDES no. 150040