Impact of a teaching program to facilitate self-regulation of learning through CTI


Keywords: training, university, strategy, self- regulation learning, self-efficacy, impact


This proyect to analyze how training in self-regulation learning using the Moodle virtual platform has an impact on self-regulated learning and the perception of self-regulatory and self-efficacy, by comparing two approaches: with and without teaching support. A quasi-experimental design was used, and involved first-year Chilean students from three university courses selected on the basis of the similarity between their objectives and study programs. The training tackles a set of procedures compatible with the formal education context. It requires individual study for half-an-hour every week for 10 weeks. Each session is focused on a specific aspect of study planning strategies, cognitive strategies or metacognitive learning strategies. The results show that training has a positive impact on self-regulated learning, irrespective of teaching support; however, implementation with teaching support increases the perception of self-regulatory self-efficacy.

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Fecha de publicación: 0
Año de Inicio/Término: MARCH 2012 - MARCH2015.
Financiamiento/Sponsor: FONDECYT-CONICYT

Proyecto FONDECYT 1120694