Construction of an anechoic chamber for beam pattern measurements at ~ 40 GHz 

Bronfman, Leonardo


With the goal of contributing to the development of high technology in Chile, the Astronomy Department, of Universidad de Chile, with funding from Basal Program Centre for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA), will support the construction of receivers for the ALMA telescope. The aim of the present project is the construction of an anechoic chamber to measure radiation or beam patterns of different types of horns. Specifically, the aim is to characterize horns that are currently being designed and will be constructed in the Astronomy Department laboratory facilities. These horns are intended to be part of the optical feed system of the ALMA band 1 receiver prototype that is presently being developed at Universidad de Chile. Furthermore, the project will have educational purposes for astronomy and electrical engineering students as they will learn to characterize receiver’s components.

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Fecha de publicación: 0
Año de Inicio/Término: 1/3/2009- 1/3/2011
Financiamiento/Sponsor: CONICYT