SIDIMEC-Hamiltonian Dynamics Systems and Celestial Mechanics

Vidal, Claudio

Keywords: stability, periodic solutions, hamiltonian systems, central configurations, KAM tori


This project aims at the establishment of a investigation network between Brasil, Chile and France to promote the development of Mathmatics in the areas of Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial mechanics. The main research topics are: central configuragion in the N-body problem, integral manifolds In the gravitational N-body problem, the stability of equilibrium solutions in Hamilonian Systems, the existence and stability of periodical solutions in Hamiltonian Systems and in particular to those derived from Celestial Mechanics. We intend to organize a scientific meeting at the end of each project year to promote discussions between the members of the cooperation network. The first meeting will be held in Aracaju-Brasil and the second one in Concepción-Chile. These meetings are meant to stimulate the development of these emergent research centers as regards these topics of Mathmatics. It is worthwile to mention that this proposed scientific network envolve a large number of young doctors as well as Master and PhD students. This project would facilitate the mobility of young doctors to make post-doctoral visits at the countries which are members of the network; also, Master students could eventually proceed to their doctoral studies in one of these coutries.

Más información

Fecha de publicación: 0
Año de Inicio/Término: Staring 2010, 2 years
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Conicyt-Capes-CNRS

SIDIMEC-Hamiltonian Dynamics Systems and Celestial Mechanics (Programa regional de cooperación científica MATH-AmSud: Francia, Brasil y Chile