Health topics with data science: exploratory research with social network analysis

Vergara, Cinthya; Rodriguez, E.

Keywords: Social Network Analysis, Data Science, Opinion Mining, Healthcare Data


Data management and analysis is advancing to enable organizations to convert their data sources into information and knowledge in order to understand several kinds of social issues and achieve their objectives. Social transformations and competitive environments have forced all kinds of organizations to evolve and adapt to social demands. Chile, during last decade, faces more social pressure and increasing citizen participation in pursuit of quality improvements and effective coverage within the public health system. With this, an important place where citizen and institutions can dialog directly has been twitter, which is a Social Network Service (SNS) where people and organizations generate a great data source with millions of commentaries each day. Its dynamics allows analysis a wide spectrum of human behavior and is important source for Data Scientist’s investigations. This brief study examines opinion on health issues from Chilean twitter’s commentaries linked with government campaigns. The results show that virtual conversations gives rich information about what is important for public opinion, if some campaign is appropriate or not and if there exists relations between topics. Thereby, twitter shown in the Chilean case to be a good source of information to analyze public opinion and the effectiveness of government campaigns.

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Fecha de publicación: 2017
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería
Notas: This book focuses on understanding the analytics knowledge management process and its comprehensive application to various socioeconomic sectors. Using cases from Latin America and other emerging economies, it examines analytics knowledge applications where a solution has been achieved. Written for business students and professionals as well as researchers, the book is filled with practical insight into applying concepts and implementing processes and solutions. The eleven case studies presented in the book incorporate the whole analytics process and are useful reference examples for applying the analytics process for SME organizations in both developing and developed economies. The cases also identify multiple tacit factors to deal with during the implementation of analytics knowledge management processes. These factors, which include data cleaning, data gathering, and interpretation of results, are not always easily identified by analytics practitioners. This book introduces the steps to perform analytics work in organizations starting from problem definition and data gathering to solution implementation and evaluation. It presents the Analytics Knowledge Management Process, which is comprised of the following sub-processes: Analytics knowledge creation Analytics knowledge storage and access Analytics knowledge transfer Analytics knowledge application. The real-world cases cover a wide spectrum of topics related to applications, including theoretical treatment. They focus on the description of how to combine analytics methods and techniques, data integration, and appropriate analytics knowledge. This book promotes the understanding of analytics methods and techniques. It guides readers through numerous techniques and methods available to analytics practitioners by explaining the strengths and weaknesses of these methods and techniques.