Evaluation of Lupin Flour (LF)-based Adhesive for Making Sustainable Wood Materials

Vidal, M.,; Vergara, E.; Ballerini, A.; Ramírez, E.

Keywords: particleboards, soy, proteins, lupin, formaldehyde


This study investigated a new adhesive system made of Lupin Flour (LF). The physicalmechanical properties and emission of formaldehyde of particleboards bonded with LF adhesive preparations were compared to existing commercial Urea-Formaldehyde (UF), Soy Protein Isolated (SPI), and Soy Flour (SF) adhesive systems. Particleboards bonded with Lupin Flour (LF)-based adhesive showed physical-mechanical properties comparable to those with soy based adhesives and commercial urea- formaldehyde. The formaldehyde emission of particleboards made with the new adhesive system was comparable to those bonded with soy based adhesives, thus satisfying requirements about low emission of formaldehyde released to the environment. As the Lupin Flour (LF)-based adhesive comes from renewable resources, it can be considered as a bio-adhesive, formaldehyde free for sustainable wood materials

Más información

Editorial: Geneva : United Nations, 2010
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Año de Inicio/Término: Proceedings of the International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – Timber Committee October 11-14, 2010,
Página final: 7