Propuesta y Aplicación de Diagramas de Clases UML JPI

Vidal, Cristian L.; Rivero, Sabino E.; López, Leopoldo P.; Pereira, Cristian A.

Keywords: components, uml, aop, classes, crosscutting concerns, JPI


This article presents a modeling proposal that associates classes and aspects along with their corresponding join point interfaces JPI, and defines a role for the classes and aspects. This is, a class exhibits JPI interfaces for which defines cut point units for join points instances, whereas aspects implements JPI interfaces. These JPI interfaces, by means of an aspect-oriented programming style permit modularizing crosscutting concerns. Because classes explicitly exhibit JPI interfaces and aspects are not coupled to classes and methods as those recommended for AspectJ. This article proposes an extension for the UML class diagram name UML JPI class diagram with the objective of adapting modeling tools for supporting software that uses aspect-oriented programming with JPI style.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Información tecnológica
Volumen: 25
Número: 5
Editorial: Centro de Información Tecnológica
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 113
Página final: 120