Xenofobia y Homofobia como Efectos de la Orientación Política, Religión y Sexo Mediados por Clasismo y Patriocentrismo en Jóvenes Universitarios Chilenos

Hatibovic, Fuad; Bobowic Magdalena; Faúndez, Ximena; Sandoval, Juan

Keywords: xenophobia, homophobia, religion, political orientation, sex


is research examines the relationship in Chilean university students of xenophobia and homophobia with sex, religion and political orientation. e mediating role of classism and patriocentrism in the relationship be- tween socio-demographic variables and xenophobia and homophobia is also evaluated. e quantitative methodology was used with a correlational descriptive design. Participants were 509 students with an average age of 20.81 years (sd=2.25). An abbreviated questionnaire based on the Survey of Tolerance and Non-Discrimination was used. Variance analysis showed significant diferences for sex, religion and political orientation. Women obtained significantly lower scores than men on homophobia; non-religious persons and leists had lower scores in all the dimensions analyzed compare with religious persons and rightists. e analysis of multiple measures showed that the mediating variables explain these diferences in homophobia and xenophobia.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Revista Colombiana de Psicología
Volumen: 26
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página de inicio: 131
Página final: 148
Idioma: Español

doi: 10.15446/rcp.v26n1.55687