Aseguramiento y promoción de la salud desde la educación ciudadana:

Merino Jara, Claudio; Tejeda Gómez, Cristian; Palencia Triana, César; Bórquez Mella, Jessica

Keywords: citizenship, Promotion in health, rights in health, education.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the health promotion policies from a critical conception of the formation of citizens. Considering that, we problematize the strategies of promotion-prevention in health and its connection with the processes of formation of an active citizenship, in which, the problems associated to the health-quality of life, are of public interest and therefore consubstantial to the construction of critical citizens. We conclude that health promotion actions should be articulated as a good of public interest and not only left to the freedom of choice according to the economic capacity of the subject.

Más información

Título de la Revista: OPCION
Volumen: 34
Número: 87
Editorial: ------------------
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 401
Página final: 430
Idioma: Español
Notas: Scopus.