Reply to "comments on 'Unbiased estimation of moment magnitude from body- and surface- wave magnitudes' by R. Das, H.R.Wason and M. L. Sharma and 'Comparative analysis of regression methods used for seismic magnitudes conversions' by P.Gasperini, B.Lolli, and S.Castellaro" by J.Pujo

Gonzalez, Gabriel


Pujol has made certain observations on the papers by Das et al. (2014) and that of Gasperini et al. (2015). He discussedthetheoreticalbackgroundoftheresearchworkbeing undertaken for magnitude conversion problems. The efficiency of the statistical regression model generally is based on the closeness between the predicted and the observed values, and it is statistically proven that the new general orthogonal regression (GOR) approach suggested by Das and coauthors provides improved estimates, especially for magnitude data pairs mb;Mw. A dataset of 19,466 global moment magnitude (Mw) values estimated from body-wave magnitudes (mb) shows that 65% of the total data yields betterresultsthroughthenewGORapproachcomparedwiththe conventional GOR approach for error variance value 0.2. This value further increases when η≤0:2 and, therefore, statistically it is better to use the new GOR approach than the conventionalapproach,atleastinthecaseofmb andMw data pairs for η≤2. Hence, unified moment magnitude catalogs prepared using the new GOR approach will be useful for realistic seismic hazard assessment.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Bulletin of Seismological Society of America
Volumen: 108 (1)
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 540
Página final: 547
Idioma: English
Notas: ISI