Inefficient resolution of conflicts over water rights in Chile: Legal actions as a proxy of the increase in number and complexity of conflicts.

Herrera, Mauricio; Candia, Cristian; Riviera, Diego; Brieba, Daniel; Godoy, Alex


Beyond obvious increase of conflicts due to scarcity of water resources there has been a problem of governance and lack of a National Policy on water, which prevents that water use become a source of conflicts. In Chile, there are many institutions and organizations with diverse degree of competences and interferences in the decisions on water uses and whose uncoordinated actions could eventually produce inefficiency and a notorious decline of the state’s capacity to solve conflicts. In this presentation, it is proposed a Multidimensional Study based on Data and Text mining of prosecuted disputes on water rights, together with an analysis of the state’s capacity, particularly of the institutions related to water regulations. This study shows not only a substantial increase in legal disputes over years, but also clear patterns in geographic locations of conflicts, and types of used legal resources, arguments and strategies. It is also found, through a Topic Analysis, an increased diversification over time of the topics contained in legal claims, suggesting an increase in the complexity of conflicts.

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Fecha de publicación: 2017
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: MIT Media Lab, Universidad del Desarrollo