Dynamics of a Class of Leslie–Gower Predation Models with a Non-Differentiable Functional Response

Viviana Rivera-Estay, Eduardo González-Olivares, Alejandro Rojas-Palma, Karina Vilches-Ponce; Springer, Cham


The main peculiarity of the Leslie–Gower type models is the predator growth equation is the logistic type, in which the environmental carrying capacity is proportional to the prey population size. This assumption implies the predators are specialists. Considering that the predator is generalist, the environmental carrying capacity is modified adding a positive constant. In this work, the two simple classes of Leslie–Gower type predator-prey models are analyzed, considering a non-usual functional response, called Rosenzweig or power functional responses, being its main feature that is non-differentiable over the vertical axis. Just as Volterra predator-prey model, when the Rosenzweig functional response is incorporated, the systems describing the models have distinctive properties from the original one; moreover, differences between them are established. One of the main properties proved is the existence of a wide …

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Fecha de publicación: 2019