Confining the electroweak model to a brane


We introduce a simple scenario where, by starting with a five-dimensional SU(3) gauge theory, we end up with several 4-D parallel branes with localized fermions and gauge fields. Similar to the split fermion scenario, the confinement of fermions is generated by the nontrivial topological solution of a SU(3) scalar field. The 4-D fermions are found to be chiral, and to have interesting properties coming from their 5-D group representation structure. The gauge fields, on the other hand, are localized by loop corrections taking place at the branes produced by the fermions. We show that these two confining mechanisms can be put together to reproduce the basic structure of the electroweak model for both leptons and quarks. A few important results are: Gauge and Higgs fields are unified at the 5-D level; and new fields are predicted: One left-handed neutrino with zero-hypercharge, and one massive vector field coupling together the new neutrino with other left-handed leptons. The hierarchy problem is also addressed.

Más información

Título según WOS: ID WOS:000235669800090 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volumen: 73
Número: 4
Editorial: American Physical Society
Fecha de publicación: 2006


Notas: ISI