BIOSECURITY MEASURES MANUAL Applied to the containment and detection of the invasive microalgae Disymosphenia germinata in the bodies of water of the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic regions

Máximo Frangópulos; Marco Antonio Pinto Torres; Pía Carcamo; Gabriel Quilahuilque; Oscar Mancilla

Keywords: invasive species, fresh water and diatoms, Magallanes region


methodological approach based on protocols presented in the Manual for the monitoring and identification of the benthic microalga Didymosphenia geminata (Díaz and collaborators, 2012), as well as the incorporation of observations generated by the Water Framework Directive, DARES, NIWA, including publications and considerations collected during the development of the I International Workshop of Didymo held in the region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic. Organized within the framework of the 2014-2016 Didymo Magallanes Program, with the participation of Max Bothwell, Cathy Kilroy, Carol-Ann Gillis, Nora Maidana, Pedro de Carli, Gabriel Bauer, Leila Cárdenas, Carolina Díaz, Daniela Guajardo, Ricardo Sáez, Elizabeth Godoy and Máximo Frangópulos. Modified according to the scope and observations generated by the experts for the rivers and lakes of the Chilean Patagonia according to the area of research and development of each exhibitor.

Más información

Editorial: Ediciones Fundación CEQUA
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página final: 54
Idioma: Spanish
Financiamiento/Sponsor: Proyecto financiado por el Gobierno Regional de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena a través del Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad Regional (FIC-R 30127738-0)