Utra-Violet Rays and Imaging Riometer Observations at Punta Arenas, Chile

Makita K.; Hoshino M.; Nishino M.; Kato Y.; Sato M.; Ejiri M.;Yamagishi H.; Ayukawa, M.; Furukawa M.,; Monreal R. :Foppiano, A.;Guamieri RA; Schuch, NJ

Keywords: UVA-UVB, geomagnetic anomaly


In order to compare upper atmosphere phenomena between Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly region and inner radiation belt, we installed UVA/B and Imaging riometer at Punta Arenas (53.1 S, 289 E), Chile. Sometimes ozone hole reaches near Punta Arenas and the peak ultraviolet intensity becomes about 30% larger than the normal peak level at that time. Imaging riometer observation was just started on March, 2003. The preliminary results are also shown in this paper.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Bulletin of Science and Engineering
Volumen: 9
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Página de inicio: 13
Página final: 18
Idioma: japones
Notas: NII Article ID (NAID) 110004686068 NII NACSIS-CAT ID (NCID) AN10406100