Colonial rock art in the corregimientos of Tarapaci and Atacama. Initial comparative issues

Marco Antonio Arenas C.; Bosco González; José Luis Martínez C.

Keywords: sociedades andinas, arte rupestre colonial, rutas de circulación y espacios discretos, colonial rock art, pathways and discreet spaces


A comparative exercise between spaces and signifiers from colonial rock art identified in the districts of Tarapaci and Atacama is performed. We describe and discuss 36 sites with colonial rock art and present a table with the total of visual signifiers identified in each site. It is proposed that the sites are in such spaces shows two operating modes: on the one hand, are associated with routes or paths of greater or lesser importance of communicating different indigenous enclaves associated with the colonial power. Furthermore, it is proposed the existence of more discrete spaces, often close to these same roads but of limited visibility and access. Except for a single case (in the Corregimiento de Atacama), all sites were operated since pre-Hispanic times and continued to be used in the Colonial period. The spatially uneven distribution of existing sites, and the greater or lesser density of colonial records found in them is addressed. It is postulated that these differences may be due to the characteristics and depth of the colonial imprint, internal social dynamics of each community and the characteristics of local religious processes.

Más información

Título según WOS: Colonial rock art in the corregimientos of Tarapaci and Atacama. Initial comparative issues
Título según SCOPUS: Colonial rock art in the corregimientos of Tarapacá and Atacama. Initial comparative issues [Arte rupestre en los corregimientos coloniales de Tarapacá y Atacama. Problemáticas comparativas iniciales]
Título según SCIELO: Arte rupestre en los corregimientos coloniales de Tarapac� y Atacama. Problem�ticas comparativas iniciales
Título de la Revista: ESTUDIOS ATACAMENOS
Número: 61
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 73
Página final: 109
Idioma: Spanish
