New aluminum hyperaccumulator species of the Proteaceae family from southern South America

Delgado, Mabel; Valle, Susana; Javier Barra, Patricio; Reyes-Diaz, Marjorie; Zunga-Feest, Alejandra


Aims Considering that some members of the Proteaceae family are aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn)-hyperaccumulating species, we aimed to evaluate the presence of the metal hyperaccumulation trait in the Proteaceae family inhabiting southern South America. We also questioned whether other metals (e.g. iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn)) are hyperaccumulated in the leaves of these species. Methods Mature and senesced leaves of the six Proteaceae species (Embothrium coccineum, Gevuina avellana, Orites myrtoidea, Lomatia hirsuta, L. ferruginea, and L. dentata) as well as soil samples were collected at nine sites along a very extensive latitudinal gradient in southern Chile. Leaves and soil samples were used for chemical analyses. Results The results showed that G. avellana, L. dentata and O. myrtoidea are Al hyperaccumulators, with G. avellana showing the highest leaf Al concentrations. These leaf Al concentrations were independent of percentage of Al saturation and soil pH. No other metal (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) was hyperaccumulated in Proteaceae leaves. However, high Mn concentrations in leaves were found, especially in the species with the lowest values of Al concentrations in their leaves. Conclusions Three of six species evaluated showed Al hyperaccumulation in their leaves, suggesting that this trait is common in Proteaceae from southern South America.

Más información

Título según WOS: New aluminum hyperaccumulator species of the Proteaceae family from southern South America
Título según SCOPUS: New aluminum hyperaccumulator species of the Proteaceae family from southern South America
Título de la Revista: PLANT AND SOIL
Volumen: 444
Número: 01-feb
Editorial: Springer
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 475
Página final: 487
Idioma: English
