What makes a teacher inspiring: The gifted and highly able student’s voice.

Cornejo-Araya, C.A.; Kronborg, L.


Introduction: This presentation is part of a doctoral study, which aims to identify, characterise and understand how and why some teachers might inspire gifted/highly able secondary students. This study is based on adolescent students’ nominations to identify inspiring teachers. Methods: Constructivist grounded theory guidelines (Charmaz, 2014) were followed to collect and analyse data. Participants were 91 gifted/highly able students from Years 9-11 from selective programs for gifted and highly able students in three secondary schools in Melbourne, Australia, 2017. Participants completed an online questionnaire nominating inspiring teachers they had in their selective programs, and explaining their nominations through five open-ended questions. Results: Sixty-six teachers were nominated as inspiring teachers. Thirteen of them received the highest number of nominations, and were subsequently invited to participate in an interview and an observation of their teaching. Teachers’ main areas of knowledge were Mathematics, English, History/Geography, Biology and Economics. Students’ responses clearly showed that students consider a teacher inspiring when they are knowledgeable and passionate about their subject and their teaching, when they have interesting experiences to share with them, and demonstrate the ability to connect these experiences with the real world and students’ future. Developing close relationships with their students, providing challenge, engagement, humour and effort were also identified as important components for maintaining students’ motivation in a subject. Furthermore, students emphasised teachers’ ability to develop optimal learning environments, and their knowledge/capabilities to help students with future career decisions. Discussion: Emphasising gifted and highly able students’ voice can provide directions for gaining an effective education. Inspiring teachers have the ability to provide opportunities to influence their gifted/highly able students, including the ability to produce a positive dramatic change in students’ perceptions about a subject and its importance for their future.

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Fecha de publicación: 2018
Año de Inicio/Término: 8-11 Agosto
Idioma: Inglés