Sun and Ski Holidays Improve Vitamin D Status, but Are Associated with High Levels of DNA Damage

Petersen, Bibi; Wulf, Hans C.; Triguero-Mas, Margarita; Philipsen, Peter A.; Thieden, Elisabeth; Olsen, Peter; Heydenreich, Jakob; Dadvand, Payam; Basagana, Xavier; Liljendahl, Tove S.; Harrison, Graham I.; Segerback, Dan; Schmalwieser, Alois W.; Young, Antony R.; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.


Skin cancer is caused by solar UVR, which is also essential for vitamin D production. DNA damage (thymine dimers: T-T dimers) and vitamin D (25(OH)D) synthesis are both initiated by solar UVB. We aimed to investigate the simultaneous adverse and beneficial effects of solar UVB exposure in holidaymakers. Sun-seekers and skiers (n=71) were observed over 6 days through on-site monitoring, personal diary entries, and recording of personal UVB exposure doses with electronic dosimeters. Urine and blood samples were analyzed for T-T dimers and 25(OH)D, respectively. The volunteers had a statistically significant increase in vitamin D. There were strong associations between UVB exposure and post-holiday levels of T-T dimers and vitamin D, as well as between post-holiday T-T dimers and vitamin D. We conclude that UVB-induced vitamin D synthesis is associated with considerable DNA damage in the skin. These data, on two major health predictors, provide a basis for further field studies that may result in better understanding of the risks and benefits of "real life" solar exposure. However, vitamin D status can be improved more safely through the use of vitamin D dietary supplements.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000343271200020 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 134
Número: 11
Editorial: Elsevier Science Inc.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Página de inicio: 2806
Página final: 2813


Notas: ISI